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Living by Thoughts: Creating a Lasting Reality-bookcover

By: Lucky Onyeoghani

Living by Thoughts: Creating a Lasting Reality

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An ant dies, leaving nothing to be remembered for, despite all its struggles to store up food for the future. It is a tragedy for humans to live like an elephant but die like an ant. Living without conscious thoughts to create a lasting reality leads humans to face the same fate as the ant.

All the struggles and labours of a person will someday be forgotten, no matter how wealthy and successful they may be. The wealth will eventually fall into the hands of those who are not as wise as the ant, and all accumulated wealth will be exhausted. A person will be forgotten if there is no record of their thoughts for future generations.

Maximizing the wealth of thoughts is a great privilege, allowing one to live like Methuselah, the recorded oldest man on Earth. Unfortunately, neglecting the wealth of thoughts makes one live as a ‘walking corpse.’ A person without conscious thoughts is like a ‘walking corpse.’

The difference between managers and their subordinates, as well as the rich and the poor, lies in their thoughts. The rich think differently and achieve success. However, wealth and success without a record of thoughts will one day be forgotten. What does it profit a person to gain all the wealth and success in the world, only to be forgotten? Live by recording your thoughts.

Lucky is a Nigerian author who believes in the power of thoughts as revelations that should be recorded. Inspired by the loss of 14 books he had written, Lucky is now aspiring to become a full-time writer, turning his thoughts into published works. He has already published several articles in educational journals.

As a teacher with over a decade of experience, both locally and internationally, Lucky holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics Education from Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. His inspirational reality is motivated by Sunday Adelaja, a prolific author of about 300 books and the founder and senior pastor of the Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations, an evangelical-charismatic megachurch and Christian denomination in Kyiv, Ukraine.

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