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Lee Cross

Lee Cross is a British writer currently living in Dublin, Ireland. Specialising mostly in dark comedic fiction, he occasionally publishes short stories, A Certain Kind of Sense being his first novel.

In addition to fiction writing, Lee is also a passionate reader and has been a contributing writer for a number of websites; offering reviews, literature interpretation and thoughts on the wider worlds within books.

Lee can be followed on Twitter @LCross137 or found wandering around Dublin with a notebook and pen.

Lee Cross
Author's Books
A Certain Kind of Sense

Sanity gives way to madness. Madness brings with it another form of sanity. The question is, if you could do it all again, would you change anything… even knowing how the story ends?Chris Curran is a wildly successful sales executive whose life has taken a turn for the worse. He’s lost his home,...

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