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Isabel Dos Santos

Isabel Dos Santos PhD (in Biomedical Sciences) is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, as well as a university professor for more than 30 years.

She developed therapeutic materials along with self-help books and clinical essays.

Passionate for the complexity of the human being and their capacity to outgrow themselves, and for the marvellous search for wellbeing, promotion of quality of life and human potential, being that the vicissitudes of our everyday life should present us with new beginnings.

Isabel Dos Santos
Author's Books
Therapeutic Notepad: A Path to Happiness and Well-Being

Happiness is a tapestry we craft from the myriad threads life provides – some coarse, some silky. Yet, it’s our choice how we intertwine them. Your life’s tapestry is your sanctuary; make it as resplendent as possible. Once woven, the threads remain fixed; time won’t reverse, so craft each m...

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