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Iris Matthews

Iris Matthews was born in the UK a week prior to the start of WW2. She has lived in Japan, Australia but mainly in New Zealand. She has by turns been a schoolteacher, a ‘pro’ actor and a painter/potter. Iris began life as a ‘he’ and in November 1991, properly became a ‘she’.

Prior to this in NZ, ‘he’ was married and fathered two children, with whom ‘she’ has a strong and ongoing relationship. Occasionally gets roles in TV and film but mostly, these days, directs plays for community theatres. Has a regular fishing mate and enjoys confounding the fish-face denizens of the Hauraki Gulf.

Iris Matthews
Author's Books

A Message from My Brain (to the Auckland Medical School)This is the brain of a male-female transgender person. I expect it to conform to that of a normal male, but probably not in every respect. For instance, my reading has suggested that the ‘bed nucleus of the stria terminalis’ may be more con...

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