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By: Theodore Sabo


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Dreams is inspired by symbolist poetry and by the medieval summa which tried to encapsulate the entire world in its pages. The poems do not need to be understood but should be viewed as abstract art in which one tries, always unsuccessfully, to put infinite riches in a little room. Despite its size it is like a book of a hundred pages with miniscule paintings on the margins of every page. The longer one looks at a painting the larger it becomes and reveals more and more so that one hardly has to read the words. Dreams is a confused memory of the Gesamtkunstwerk which has had many names: the sacred book of the arts, the engulfed cathedral, the interior castle, the stone lyre.

Theodore Sabo is a resident of Washington State and an extraordinary lecturer at North-West University of South Africa. He has published six books including Origins of Eastern Christian Mysticism.

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