Donna L. Jones is Signing Books at the Swansea Grand Theatre
Donna L. Jones will be signing books at the stunning Swansea Grand Theatre, where these people know better the power of language, and with 'The Rise of Global', read into how powerful language can actually become. "ONE Language, ONE Version, ONE Vision;" "ONE Global Law - accept it or be Labelled!" Global - "super or killer language"? Apollos Popov has no doubt. He fears that Global will spread throughout the planet, like a disease eventually killing all Mother Tongues. He believes the spread of Global will usher in a new age of language superiority; a return to just one spoken tongue as in the days before Babel. He is convinced that the consequences for all native languages would be catastrophic. One man is responsible. The Rise of Global tells the story of that one man's obsession to eradicate his true identity and replace it with a new one; one that will afford him power and status, one that will give him a new name - a name that all citizens will recognise as THE LAW...
01, Apr 2017
Cambridge Place, 6, East St, Farnham GU9 7RX