A Cat Called Dog 2 - The One with the Kittens gets reviewed

A Cat Called Dog 2 - The One with the Kittens gets reviewed

Jem Vanston, a former teacher has had pieces published in magazines such as Your Cat and The Cat, as well as various newspapers and other publications. He got a great recognition for his short stories. Honey and Bumble are the two rescue cats Jem lives with these days who do their best to distract him from writing - or getting anything else productive done - whenever and however they can.

Fun fact: He is also a published songwriter.

The sequel to the much-loved A Cat Called Dog, we re-join the gang to find the mother of the three lost kittens. On the way they meet many more cats like Hettie, who is a Siamese and is very helpful and two celebrity TV star cats—Christopher and Doris. They also have to survive great dangers. Will the cats be able to find the kittens' mother? And will Dog realise that there is a traitor in their midst before it's too late? A great fun book, suitable for children and cat lovers of all ages with a twist of thrill and surprise.

Follow the link to read the review and know what happens next:
