GBI News Spotlights John Ingham’s Blood-Eagle Saga

GBI News Spotlights John Ingham’s Blood-Eagle Saga

GBI News spotlighted John Ingham's, Blood-Eagle Saga, a Viking epic fueled by his own heritage. This book, now set for a film adaptation by award-winning Little Dude Films, takes readers on a high-seas adventure as Vikings clash and forge alliances across the Atlantic.

Blood-Eagle Saga, a saga penned by John Ingham, ignites a fiery tale of rival Norsemen clashing across the Atlantic. Fueled by his own heritage, the book throws them into a transatlantic struggle, forging unlikely alliances with Native American tribes as they carve a bloody path through uncharted lands.

John Ingham, descendant of the legendary seafarers, carries Viking blood not only in his veins but also in his pen. This passionate author promises to rewrite history with every axe blow, leaving readers breathless and eager to dive into his world of bloodthirsty battles and unlikely alliances.