The Memoir of Ann Göth Reviewed in the Literary Titan

The Memoir of Ann Göth Reviewed in the Literary Titan

Volcanic Adventures in Tonga - Species Conservation on Tin Can Island, by Ann Göth, recently got reviewed in the Literary Titan. The article gave the memoir a wonderful rating and appreciated the book for captivating and mesmerising its readers. You can read the review here.

Volcanic Adventures in Tonga - Species Conservation on Tin Can Island narrates Ann Göth’s thrilling and challenging adventure of living on remote Tongan islands, where she tries to save a rare bird and learns about a fascinating culture. Read the book here.

Ann Göth is an ecologist, teacher, speaker and writer who has travelled from Austria to Tonga and beyond. She co-wrote a book about megapode birds and loves to share her conservation stories. This book is her first adventure as an ecologist.