Patricia’s Purple Michaelmas gets featured in Fate & Fortune Magazine

Patricia’s Purple Michaelmas gets featured in Fate & Fortune Magazine

Patricia Hutson is basically a Psychic by profession. She’s spent her school time in India between the ages of seven to fourteen. After that she travelled to England and finished her education in Essex. She enjoys reading, writing, archaeology and solving mysteries with her husband.

Patricia Hutson was featured on Fate & Fortune Magazine – October 17 issue where she explains basic idea of her book Purple Michaelmas. The book presents a very unique yet exciting combination of love and heartache. The book describes a wonderful story that is totally different from the one you may have read in past. What happens when a person meets his/her soul mate? You can expect a happy ending but she has taken this subject from a different perspective. She has provided the answer of this burning question in a unique and twisty way that is simply amazing.

Vicki is the main subject matter of the book where she was told that purple Michaelmas flower will bring something for her. The book takes you in a scenario where two soul mates are meeting with each other but they are bound to their responsibilities. They both are married therefore the moment of immense pleasure turns into storm of grief. She is well aware that it can result into a havoc that is too hard to handle. The story revolves around a question that is Vicki strong enough to handle this situation or will she close this chapter?