Top Tips for Getting it Published
If you’ve got to this stage: congratulations! You’ve written a book and it’s time to get it out there. It’s not an easy task to complete an entire piece of work and now that you’ve reached this point, it’s time to approach some publishers. The last thing you need at this point is for your hard work to be put aside, simply because it didn’t have those finishing touches that can make all the difference. So here are our top tips on how to succeed in turning your manuscript into a published book.
Most good publishers will offer proof-reading for your raw manuscript, but that doesn’t mean that your spelling and punctuation should fall to the wayside. A manuscript littered with grammatical errors can put editors off. Make sure to thoroughly read through your finished draft before sending it to a publisher.
A fresh pair of eyes makes a world of difference to how your writing looks, so pass your manuscript to friends and family. If there’s a plot hole or inconsistency in your text that you’ve overlooked, you can be sure that your most honest friends will make it known; lest a publisher spots it first.
Check the stylistic appeal of your writing. It may sound shallow – but using an abrasive font or uneven formatting can be just as off-putting to an editor as poor content. You want your writing to be readable and clearly consistent for editors.
Once you’ve checked through your manuscript, it’s time to craft a cover letter. Don’t take this task lightly – it’s the first thing publishers will open and it’s vital that your words are as thoroughly proof-read, evenly stylised and thoughtfully written as your manuscript, as well as being clear and concise.
Every publishing house will have a set of guidelines surrounding submissions. Make sure you read these instructions. Twice. Three times if you need to. If the publishing house wants you to submit your manuscript via email – do so. If they want you to use an online form, this is the route you ought to take.
Editors speak to hundreds of potential authors every day, and they appreciate the human touch! Let the editors know that you are thankful for their time and that you look forward to hearing back from them when they are able. As long as you have included clear contact details, editors will be in touch with you when they can.
Ease of access is a must. If your sample chapters are attached to an email, make sure there are labelled clearly and in one document. Make your cover letter the body of an email – not an attachment.
Letting a good manuscript get left behind due to rectifiable errors is a crime. Don’t let it happen to you, and we wish you the best of luck with your quest to get published!
If you would like to submit your manuscript to Austin Macauley for consideration, check our guidelines here and then please email [email protected].
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