Best Book Publishers UK | Austin Macauley Publishers


At Austin Macauley Publishers we understand the difference of publishing models in the industry and consult any author to choose the best option for their publishing experience. We operate as a partnership publisher, which means every manuscript submitted is reviewed by our editorial team, after this we would either offer a standard (no contribution necessary) or partnership contract (which would require the author to contribute financially towards the book), or kindly decline the opportunity to publish with us.

What are my optionsas an author?

Best Publishers For New Authors | Austin Macauley Publishers

Partnership Publishing - The AMP Way

Partnership (sometimes called Hybrid) publishing is Austin Macauley’s preferred mode of publishing. This gives authors an opportunity to enter the book market with the support of an experienced publisher. As a partnership publisher, Austin Macauley can offer authors one of two kinds of publishing contract: a partnership contract, where both the author and the publisher financially contribute to the production and marketing of the book; or a so-called ‘traditional’ contract, which we refer to as a standard contract, which includes the same services but with no author contribution.

The AMP Way
  • Collaborating with authors internationally in over 40 countries.
  • Our International distribution network spans across print, digital and audio.
  • Working with YOU – communicating directly with you working alongside our teams, which still gives you a level of creative control.
  • We accept unsolicited manuscripts and work with new and established writers to give equal opportunities to become a published author and have your work professionally published.
  • Our books have won a variety of recognised writer and book awards, alongside company awards.
  • Our industry knowledge and network spans from our opening in 2006.
Self Publishing A Book | Austin Macauley Publishers

Self Publishing

Self-Publishing comes with great benefits –in particular, it gives the author a maximum of control and profit potential – but also has many downsides. Ensuring success requires considerable time and money. As the name suggests, the author will need to gain as much insight as possible into the many elements of the publishing process, including editing, typesetting, marketing and distribution, even if these elements will be supplied by third parties.

Traditional Book Publishers UK | Austin Macauley Publishers

Traditional Publishing

To be considered for traditional publishing, you will almost certainly need to approach one of the few literary agencies that still read unsolicited manuscripts. There is no guarantee that they will agree to represent your title and still less that they can persuade a publisher to take it. Even if the publisher accepts your work, they will make every decision about your book: you will have no control over the cover design, the layout of the pages, the sale of the rights to the book or the length of the publishing schedule, which can extend into many years. Typically, traditionally published authors will still need to undertake marketing initiatives, and if you received an advance, you will not receive any royalties until that is fully repaid.

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