In the serene expanse of South Dakota’s western region, Deputy Sheriff Paul McKinley’s tranquil county is disrupted by the arrival of a fundamentalist Mormon cult. Intrigued by their presence, Paul’s curiosity turns to concern when he witnesses young boys being ostracized by the very same cult. Motivated by empathy, he embarks on a mission to aid these boys, only to uncover a far more distressing truth: young girls forced into marriages with older men. Fuelled by an unwavering resolve, Paul confronts legal and personal challenges in his quest to bring an end to this injustice.
A Menace to the Community weaves a captivating tale of Paul’s intricate struggles. He forms an unexpected alliance with a talented young woman lawyer, united in their efforts to rescue the girls and combat the perils of the cult. As their shared fight intertwines with a burgeoning romance, the stakes grow higher. Meanwhile, Paul’s pursuit of justice takes an additional dimension as he endeavours to solve the mysterious death of a young Native American woman within the county’s boundaries. Confronting racism, a charismatic cult leader, and the haunting spectre of child abuse, Paul’s indomitable spirit faces the ultimate test. Can he overcome these formidable obstacles and emerge victorious?