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Crwydrau y Bardd Dwp neu/or The meanderings of an Idiot!-bookcover

By: Martyn Evans

Crwydrau y Bardd Dwp neu/or The meanderings of an Idiot!

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Croeso i gyfrol sy’n gynnwys darnau o waith barddonol yr awdur sy’n dechrau yn nawdegau’r ganrif ddiwethaf ac yn arwain at heddiw.Mae’n dangos gwaith barddonol dros y blynyddoedd o fynychu dosbarthiadau Cymraeg.Hefyd mae yma ddarnau o “Ficro lên” ysgrifennodd i ymarfer idiomau a dywediadau Cymraeg.Mae barddoniaeth yn amrywio o’r ddigri i’r ddifri ac yn mynd o’r byd dysgu Cymraeg i’r byd natur ac yn cyffwrdd a’r byd gwleidyddiaeth hefyd.This book contains pieces of the author’s poetry dating back to the early 1990s and going up to the present day.It shows the poetic journey over the years that the author has been learning Welsh.It also contains a few pieces of “Micro Literature” written to help learn Welsh idioms and sayings.The poetry ranges from the humorous to the contemplative and serious, dealing with various subjects from being a Welsh learner to the world of nature and even touching on the world of politics.

Cafodd Martyn Evans ei geni yn Llanelwy a’i magu yng Nghei Connah lle mae o’n byw o hyd. Cafodd ei addysg ar lannau Dyfrdwy, ac ar ôl gadael coleg mi weithiodd fel clerc cyfrifon a chlerc gweinyddol i sawl cwmni. Gwirfoddolodd hefyd yn siopau’r RSPCA yn Yr Wyddgrug a Shotton. Treuliodd hefyd 2 flynedd fel gofalwr llawn amser i’w mam tan ei farwolaeth yn 2017.
Erbyn hyn, ar ôl dysgu Cymraeg mewn amryw ddosbarth nos, mae o’n rhugl ac mae o’n ysgrifennu barddoniaeth yn Gymraeg ac wedyn yn ei chyfieithu i’r Saesneg. Yn 2017 llwyddodd i ennill y Gadair yn Eisteddfod Dysgwyr y Gogledd Ddwyrain yn ‘y Stiwt’ yn Rhosllannerchrugog.
About the Author
Martyn Evans was born in St Asaph and brought up in Connah’s Quay where he still lives. After attending school and college in Connah’s Quay, he worked for various companies over many years as an accounts clerk and administration clerk and also spent some time doing voluntary work for the RSPCA in their Mold and Shotton shops. Spending two years as a full-time carer for his mother until she passed away in 2017, he is now a man of leisure, mainly writing poetry and gardening.
Being a fluent Welsh speaker, having learned the language in various evening classes, his poetry is written in Welsh and translated into English by the author himself. After a number of attempts, in 2017 he won the Chair Competition in the North East Wales Learners Eisteddfod, which was held in the Miners Institute or ‘Stiwt’ in Rhosllannerchrugog.

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