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Deep Shallow-bookcover

By: M. Z.

Deep Shallow

Pages: 108 Ratings:
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This book is about the paradoxical nature of life, with its chaotic and tame moments. It explores the different forces that shape our experiences and how we are constantly growing and changing. The book delves into the various aspects of life, including acknowledging one’s surroundings, finding love, dealing with heartbreak, and overcoming different circumstances. It encourages readers to reflect on their own experiences and to find beauty in the ups and downs of life. The author emphasizes the importance of memories and how they shape our lives and leave a lasting impact. The book is also an invitation to explore and enjoy the memories and emotions that the author captured through their words and through the memories they saved by date. The book is a reminder that even though we can never go back to a moment in time, we can always relive it through our memories and emotions.

An individual whose only source of expression was through writing. Trying to battle between her inner self and her expectations. She always seemed curious about life, wanting to explore more through herself and her surroundings. For her the world is an empty page waiting to be filled by her thoughts. A never-ending cycle that somehow hinders her progress, yet somehow drives her to doing much more. A paradox, that is who she is…

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