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By: Liz Sorora


Pages: 482 Ratings: 5.0
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In the gripping novel titled Hush, the protagonist grapples with the weight of her mistakes, realizing that even the smallest misstep can have far-reaching consequences. For her, it’s not just a mere error; it has a name—a crime that threatens to cast a lifelong shadow, and worst of all, it means letting down the people she holds dear.Like a precarious row of dominoes, her entire life’s work teeters on the edge, vulnerable to the slightest nudge. The haunting fear of being unloved and becoming a source of disgrace forces her to abandon logic, plunging her into the clutches of a mysterious man who offers a dubious solution.Unaware of the profound upheaval this decision will unleash upon her existence, she embraces the man’s proposition in a desperate bid to salvage her future. Little does she know that her choice will upend her life, hurling her heart into the heart of a cyclone fuelled by tumultuous emotions.

Liz Sorora was born in a small city of Albania and was raised in a village in Greece. Liz has grown to be an education major, with psychological interests, as well as a huge passion for literature, arts and philosophy. If she isn’t spending her time writing, then you most likely will find her painting and listening to music. Creating for her is a means to reach out to someone, comfort them, embrace them and entertain them. She is a firm believer that there’re many ways individuals can learn and thus she tries to embody in her writings life lessons.

Customer Reviews
2 reviews
2 reviews
  • Anna

    Beautiful story

  • Gilda

    Awesome book :)!!! LOVED IT!!!

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