The story in Ratip’s debut novel revolves around the struggle of Turan Akova, who is a world-renowned pianist-composer, to prevent and eventually eliminate the extraterrestrial devil’s plans to dominate the world in a shocking and most audacious way. This is a heart-pounding suspense thriller with gruelling intensity. A monumentally scary and chillingly tense story.
Italian poet Tasso’s words best describe Turan Akova, the hero of this novel: ‘Is it possible to transform a raging, devastating, destroying hurricane into a morning breeze, a mad sea into a charming lake, and lightning into a rose? I am speaking of the Turk. The Turk who is like a ruthless hurricane, a terrific sea, and a merciless lightning when attacking his enemy, is a morning breeze, and a clear lake with his friends or when facing a disarmed enemy. To change this charming breeze into a hurricane, this resplendent blue lake into a horrid sea, this rose with its fragrance of nobility to lightning would be indeed a blunder that would offend Nature itself...”