The Resurrection Men draws inspiration from the notorious legend of Edinburgh’s infamous body snatchers, Burke and Hare. Set in the 1800s, this compelling tale serves as a sharp social critique, vividly portraying the poverty and deprivation endured by the lower classes. The novel exposes the callous exploitation by the upper echelons of society, highlighting how wealthy employers often neglected the welfare of their workers. Particularly, it sheds light on the appalling conditions faced by young children forced to work in the mines, where danger to life and limb was a daily reality.
This powerful, grim historical novel employs gallows humour to bring its characters and their struggles to life. As the story unfolds, it raises profound questions: Can desperate circumstances fundamentally change a person’s behaviour? When subjected to extreme poverty, are all humans capable of heinous acts, regardless of their inherent nature? Above all, The Resurrection Men is a poignant love story that will captivate the imagination of any reader, leaving them both moved and reflective.