From a small town in a quaint country emerges a young hero with big ideas. At just seven, Yiannis isn’t just aware of the looming threat of global warming; he’s ready to tackle it head-on. And guess what? He’s got some of the most inventive solutions up his sleeve.
Embark on a global adventure with Yiannis and his resourceful dad as they traverse diverse landscapes, from the arid terrains of Africa to the icy realms of the North Pole. Their mission? To combat climate change with their unique inventions. Some solutions might have you reaching for a nose peg, while others could tantalize your taste buds—especially if you’re a fan of bananas. And wait till you hear about their groundbreaking eco-fuel!
Blending factual insights with fictional fun, our dynamic duo also takes on challenges like reviving the dried-up Zambezi River for an African king and addressing the pressing issues of deforestation, plastic waste, and more in South America and the ocean’s depths.
Yiannis’s tales are more than just stories; they’re a rallying cry for change. Dive into his adventures, and you too might be inspired to join the ranks of the Global Warming Warriors. Are you ready to make a difference?