Barnes and Noble to Host Book Signing of ‘The Kringles’ by S. R. Forcia
The Barnes & Noble bookstore will be hosting the book signing ceremony of S.R. Forcia’s, ‘The Kringles’. The author will sign copies and have a talk with the visitors about the book. This children book is a story about two little mice known as The Kringles who are very exploratory and happy creatures. They laugh, enjoy and have fun together. They travel across the wilds of Alaska in search of amusement and adventure. Their journey is full of encounters with nature and how they adapt to different conditions during their travel. From the icebergs to polar bears and from fishing in the ice cold water to camping in the chilled nights of Alaska. Their imaginatively delightful fun is very magical and fanatical. The author, S. R. Forcia is currently residing in the Arctic Tundra Region of the State of Alaska. Nowadays she is keeping herself busy in the field of Child Protection. She loves her work and is always up for something new.
15, Sep 2018
Authors Essex Day