Christopher Hayes-Brown Will Be Attending the Book Signing Event at Buckingham Garden Centre
All the science fiction lovers here is your chance of attending the Apple and Honey Weekend Show organised by The Buckingham Garden Centre on Saturday 28th September 2019, where the remarkable author Christopher Hayes-Brown will be signing the copies of his book Secret Island. His book is an outstanding sci-fi story that will surely be appreciated by the book readers. Secret Island is a fanciful sci-fi novel revolving around two lecturers Christopher and David. They go to visit the magnificent pyramids but they end up in an unknown land named Atlantis guarded by ferocious creatures. The people of Atlantis are proud to be guarding the life on Earth, from giving refuge to the dinosaurs, to the eagles, they have protected all. Christopher and David are stunned at finding the place. Who are Atlantis people and how many more creatures are being guarded by them? Find this and much more in this engaging book. The amazing author Christopher Hayes-Brown has a great love for nature. He loves gardening and growing exotic plants. He is an accountant and always support others.
28, Sep 2019
Winding Wheel Theatre, 13 Holywell St, Chesterfield S41 7SA