Costa Coffee will be hosting the book signing for ‘The Betrayal’
Steven Bosworth will be attending a book signing event for ‘The Betrayal’ at Costa Coffee in Stone Staffordshire. The author will be promoting his book and will also answer questions for readers. Dean Nash, the protagonist of the book, feels that there is a part missing in his life. It is when he goes to a nightclub where he meets the owner, Nick Burns, that everything changes for him. Dean takes part in a robbery on the instructions of Burns and indulges himself in the world of crime. His actions bring him under the notice of a government agency. In his pursuit of happiness, Nash enters into the journey of self-awareness. Steven Bosworth is a qualified and very accomplished engineering manager who has worked for several large international companies. This is the first book that he has published.
03, Nov 2018
Waterstones Thanet, 9b Westwood Cross, Margate Road, Broadstairs