David McCaddon to Attend a Book Signing and Speaking Engagement Event
Probus Club of Kidsgrove has invited David McCaddon for a book signing and speaking event. He intends to sign books for crime story lovers and engage with the audience to answer their questions about the crime trilogy, he has written and published with Austin Macauley. The Crime trilogy by David is titled as ‘Following Digital Footprints’, ‘In Digital Pursuit’, and ‘The Final Footprint’. Tim Ridgway is a cybercriminal, involved in online scamming, credit card theft and identity theft. The sequel is about his capture, escape and acquiring a new identity of Tim Ridgway. Follow the ultimately captivating crime story. David McCaddon has served as an IT systems consultant throughout his professional life. His expertise in investigative systems gave him the opportunities to work with police forces internationally. Now he has turned to write fiction crime stories inspired by the insights he has gained through his professional work with law enforcement and cybercriminals.
29, May 2019
Artime, Bristol