Demetra Demi Gregorakis invited for Signing the Copies of her Book at Barnes & Noble
On weekend just before the Valentines Day, Demetra Demi Gregorakis, the author of poetry book ‘Love Letters in the Wall: Agapé Edition’ is invited for a book signing event at Barnes & Noble on Saturday afternoon. Considering the hopeless romantic theme of the poetry book, the event is perfectly timed. ‘Love Letters in the Wall: Agapé Edition’ is a poetic expression of a hopeless romantic, living in times when technology has overtaken love. Her journey is somewhat convoluted one which most of us take, ebbing and flowing through this stage and that, meeting the right one, the wrong one, the next one … love and adoration, heartbreak and happiness, they all appear here, in thoughts and poems written from the ever-romantic heart. Demetra Demi Gregorakis is a girl who still believes in the true love that can sweep you of the feet and bring butterflies in your stomach. She credits her parents’ 30 years of marriage full of unconditional love for being her inspiration. She refers to herself as a dreamer or a hopeless romantic – or just an old-fashioned girl who is fumbled by the world where commitment has become feared, love is a convenience and conversations are texting.
09, Feb 2019
Under 1 Roof, The I O Centre, London