Heatons Women’s Institute to Host a Book Signing and Speaking Engagement Event for David McCaddon
The Heatons Women’s Institute will be hosting a book signing and speaking engagement event for David McCaddon. The author will interact with the audience to introduce his crime trilogy. He intends to share a great insight into online scamming and other cyber crimes he has acquired through his professional experience. ‘Following Digital Footprints’, ‘In Digital Pursuit’, and ‘The Final Footprint’ are the three books by David from his crime trilogy. The sequel of the Crime story of Cybercriminal Tim Ridgway is a very captivating and addictive story. The writing style of David with his professional experience in law enforcement and working with police departments from around the globe has given this fictional storyline a very realistic touch. For over 46 years David McCaddon has served as an IT systems consultant. He has worked in computing and has also contributed to the design and development of major incident and analysis systems. For the past 34 years, he was specialising in Law Enforcement Computer Systems Development. His investigative systems experience has seen him working with police forces internationally.
19, Sep 2019
Harry Hartog Bookshop, Woden