Rose Miller Will Be Signing the Copies of Her Book, ‘Alex and His Magic Dragon’ in Manchester
WH Smith’s will be hosting a book signing event for the children’s book ‘Alex and His Magic Dragon’ by Rose Miller. It is an exciting chance for young readers to meet the author in person and get a signed copy of her book.  ‘Alex and his magic Dragon’ is a collection of delightful stories, where the reader follows the adventures of eight-year-old Alex and his magic dragon. Flicker is the magic dragon who, with a flick of the tail can bring out the magic and make Alex’s life easier and happier. Rose Miller has worked abroad for many years in Malta, Libya and Saudi Arabia. She has taught English to young Arabic children. Rose is an author with a rich life experience. She has two married sons and two grandchildren.    
19, Jan 2019 - 01, Jan 1970
The Patchwork Mouse, New Street, Painswick, GL6 6XH