WHSmith Uxbridge Invites the Author of Behaviour, Christopher Ayton for a Book Signing Event
The author Christopher Ayton will be visiting WHSmith Uxbridge to attend a book signing event for his book Behaviour on 22nd June 2019. The author will be sharing his 30 years of teaching experience and how he has learnt to tackle the problems faced by him and his students in the classroom. He will also share some excerpts from his book. The audience will get a signed copy of the book at the end of the event.  Behaviour is a Brilliantly written book, bursting with wittiness and common sense throughout. The book is a handy guide for teachers to survive the bombardment of questions from the students. Dealing with different children at the same time is an anguish job and if you want to manage your classroom the way you want, this book by Christopher Ayton is all you need. Christopher Ayton has served as a teacher for over 30 years. He was the teacher of the students of year 1 to year 11. He has experience in inner-city mainstream schools and proficiency in special education of deprived and disabled children. He also devised the behavioural management techniques for his class. Those techniques worked for him and he shared them with his colleagues. After receiving appreciation from his peers, he decided to compile all those tips and techniques in a book so that all teachers can get benefit from it.

22, Jun 2019 - 01, Jan 1970
High St, Stourbridge DY8 1DW