To Theo. Kaikaku
Imagine the first day in your life. Probably the most crucial day in your life. You became a human. You competed with around 20 to 300 million other sperm cells. No contest in your human life will beat that. Now you are cruising. You are almost sailing alone on a quiet ocean. Do not let the few other sailboats disturb you too much. They are only here to help you. Just be yourself and kind to them, you are in this race (read: life) together.
A city like Venice is a symbol of how fragile our planet is and if we abuse one place with over-consumption, it will get worn down. It is a warning here to us to protect old historical places on Earth and to be conscious about how we treat our planet. Venice is surely one of the places on this planet, which needed a crisis like Corona in order to rest from tourists and over-consumption.
Please don’t talk too much to me or your teachers. We need you, your medicine, your new eyes and your thoughts. We don’t need you to copy me or most of my generation. I know you are built for more. Just be you and do something. Get out there, raise your hand, and tell your peers what you think we need to change.
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Two Mice
“How many times have you asked yourself if you are on the right path in life and wondered if your direction will lead you to happiness? Are you the lively mouse, so focused on your goals that you sometimes feel as if you never stop to live? Or the thoughtful mouse, so busy listening to others that you feel like you are losing yourself? Two Mice is a short, metaphorical story about finding your way in a complicated world. It aims to help you gain some perspective about your choices and to see the bigger picture in life.”
Sam Boundy.
Lose (and find!) yourself in this lively, metaphorical story which follows two mice looking for the big cheese.
Through different characters and insights into what drives them in life, this story will help show you that meaning is all around us and goals do not need to be chased for goals’ sake. Whether you are a fresh graduate, a job changer or someone looking for an entertaining read, this book is for you.
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What Does It Mean To Be Human?
In the absence of divine direction, how do we decide for ourselves the behaviours that would best serve our own interests, and those of other creatures, and of the planet as a whole? What might we turn to and draw upon to help us in making our own rules and in establishing our own moral principles?
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Where the Soul Flies
In his book, Where the Soul Flies, Malcolm Southwood describes what to expect when we leave this world to move into the next one. He uses his own experience of out-of-body states to explain a process we will all come to know at some future date. In a matter-of-fact way, he guides the reader through the various situations the traveller will most probably be guided. He goes on to explain the purpose of rebirth, family associations, the number of earthly visits we are likely to endure and the process of re-entry back into the lessons of earthly life.
Where the Soul Flies is an essential read for everyone interested in the experience which follows life and who wants to understand something of the process of eternal awareness.
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Within you Without you
The words of some of the great Beatles songs were the crutch which helped guide me through the chasm of establishing my self-identity and validity as a part of the human race. Within You Without You examines the knowledge and universal being that exists within us and its relationship to the perceived world without us. It is a self-help book, which enables the reader to understand and realize their full personal potential.
We look at the relationship between our internal being and the thoughts which course through our minds. We examine the clash between the universal knowledge within and our sense-perception of the world without. We compare the contented acceptance of the consolations of society without with the creative destruction coming from within. We look at the myths of religion, philosophy and science and the ways in which they shape our self-perception. We see how important our individual consciousness is in shaping the universe.
Within You Without You will help you understand your vital role in the world around you.
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Woman of Worth in the Making
Every woman has been created for a purpose. Many women struggle to believe they are worth anything, due to reasons which surround them from society or their daily environment. The countless reasons for lack of self-worth can be endless. Society has impacted individual women to devalue their worth; whispering or portraying a wrong image of what an ideal woman should look or be like. Woman of Worth in the Making is about the different seasons in life and questions many women may have asked themselves or rather be confronted with. It also unravels the author’s personal experiences, words of nourishment for the soul and steps ahead which can be vital for this journey called ‘Life’. May every eye that sees these writings and every ear that hears it, be inspired and feel nourishment within their soul.
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Women’s Chakras
Women’s Chakras is intended for women only. The book helps you, wonderful women, understand your true feminine nature. You will learn how to use your natural qualities and your energy to achieve success in all areas of life, how to heal yourself from pain, how to become happy and to find your destination. You will discover how each chakra potential is opened and how subtle energies are shown in everyday life. With such tools as yoga and meditation, you will find the keys to a powerful source of energy and inspiration.
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Won't Stop Moving
Sometimes the answer isn’t to be the rock in the river, letting the water wash over you. Sometimes the answer is to be the leaf, floating down the stream and rolling with the constant change that is life.
Won’t Stop Moving is designed to help you remember the lessons that you have forgotten to remember. This book gives you the opportunity to remind yourself of what you already know, deep in your soul. You can’t stop moving, and you won’t stop moving, growing and evolving.
This is an oracle book. It works like oracle cards, but rather than shuffling, turn to the page number you’re called to, and receive a message that you are ready to learn or remember.
Or read the book sequentially. Or front to back, back to front, inside out or outside in. Read it upside down if you want, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You choose. You will be called to the lessons you need. Trust the process. Trust your instincts.
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50 Letters from Spirit
50 Letters. 50,000 Daily Thoughts. One Call to Awaken.In 2013, Patricia McDowall started an unusual journey. She became more deeply aware that she was a living spirit in a physical body with a conscious mind, working her way through life to evolve her soul. This sensitivity to a more developed divine existence was taught by her initial spirit guide. But to her surprise, this guide took a physical step back from Patricia’s life. A new guide, Marsilio, marched forward and told the author that they would write a book together. Their joined wisdom would use Patricia’s hand and Marsilio’s thoughts from his time in Renaissance, Italy. Through this rare and previously unexplored path, 50 Letters, A Call to Awaken was created.It is a holistic guide that addresses both the external and internal, and it speaks to mind, body and soul. McDowall offers messages to the world, to humanity, to you – the reader – with love.
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Be a Beacon of Hope in the World
Why does one youngster stab another with a knife which they will never, ever dare to stab themselves with? Why are our young people killing themselves without thinking of the pains and sorrow such barbarism and bestiality will leave their loved ones with for the rest of their lives? Why do some young persons—members of the same community—prey on one another with such jungle-like ferocity in the nation’s cities? Why are there now so many of such gruesome, purposeless, wicked and unwarranted killings in the nation’s cities as if Britain is now a land that devours its children? More worrisome is the fact that when they are hacked to death so young, what happens to their dreams, visions, goals and aspirations?Heart-rending as these painful questions are, Be a Beacon of Hope in the World: A Message to Young Britain does not attempt to offer answers to these puzzles arising from the untimely deaths of Britain’s children through knifings. However, it seeks to act as a guidepost, compass and a Sat Nav to point young persons in the right direction and on the path of civility, decency, common sense, humaneness and universal altruism, whereupon they are expected to have respect: for themselves, for others and for all of life’s forms. Therefore, let the alarm bell, which this book will trigger, warn all young persons in Britain and the world over that to live in the fast lane is to die young. Let this message reverberate through the vista of time.
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Beauty Redefined
In our beauty-obsessed culture, women have become accustomed to using the standards set by society and the media as a barometer to measure their own worth. They perpetually wonder where they stand on the attractiveness continuum and question everything about their outward appearances, from their skin colour to their waistline, to their fashion sense. They keep asking themselves, “Am I good enough? Do I matter? Will others love and accept me for who I am?” Beauty Redefined explores this critical issue by looking at beauty from a cultural, biological and historical perspective and provides solutions on what we can do on a collective and individual level to redefine what it means to be a beautiful woman. By reading this book, you’ll be convinced that your voice matters and you’ll feel empowered to make your own unique mark in the world, no matter what your size, shape, colour or ethnic background is. You’ll learn how to love yourself (warts and all!) and embrace every unique aspect of your being and use it to make the world a better place.
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Mind and Thought
This is a valuable self-help tool to improve lives through dynamic thoughts. It provides techniques, exercises and essays to help the readers improve their self-observation, concentration, knowledge and awareness; master contemplation, alertness and diligence; confront negative thoughts by uprooting, observation, exaggeration and neutralization; achieve targets through seeding, visualization, creativity, persistence, good habits, affirmation, imprinting, developing intuition, image propping and will. These ideas are based on the six laws of the thought and of the mind, including the Law of Direction and the Law of Attraction. If you would like to understand better and know more about the workings of the human mind, then this book can aid you. Learn to create using the dynamic power of thought, master the six laws, cultivate your mind, overcome predominant reality, think differently, take control, and more as you develop your power of thought.