Take Control of Your Smoking Habit
The best smoking cessation aid available...is smoking itself!
Indeed the most effective way to combat nicotine deprivation is the drug’s most effective applicator – smoking! My method will teach you how to combine smoking with the conventional stop smoking aids, to smoke your way to becoming a non-smoker. Ludicrous as this claim may be, the merit of my method cannot be ignored.
Indeed there may have been heavier smokers than my average 20 per day intake, although you would struggle to find a smoker that has had so many failed attempts to stop smoking. To say that I am vastly experienced in being, well, a failure, is no understatement nor insult. My failures have assisted me in the creation of the ultimate stop smoking method, culminating in my eventual and untimely success.
All this through a combination of my meticulously conceived method, achieved through decades of trial and error, the positive power of suggestion, logic and illogic. The smoke screen nicotine addiction creates is dispelled, with all of the generically programmed excuses that keep us smoking addressed and waved away, removing the haze and allowing us to finally see the real demon in the retail.
With all propaganda and guise removed, we are left with one question: Do you want to be a smoker? With the help of Donald Paton’s Take Control of Your Smoking Habit, we are left with one answer!
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The Animus of Identity: Shame
What are you?
Who are you?
What is it that makes you, you?
Why are you?
Explore with me as I use my own experiences, along with those of others I have met along my journey, the concept of identity, and how your trauma and circumstances can shape the person you become.
£6.99 -
The Discovery of Spiritual Chivalry
Futuwwa has been an Islamic term for ‘spiritual chivalry’ for centuries. In Christianity, chivalry has been seen more in ‘behavioral codes’ which many believe are declining. Yet Christ dying for humankind’s sins on the cross – at the heart of Christianity – is the ultimate act of spiritual chivalry.
Dr. Greene unveils the arduous journey to noble spiritedness for persons of all faiths, ages, genders, ethnicities, and social backgrounds. Blending theological and social scientific perspectives, he has assembled a ‘field guide’ for such journeys. Dr Greene addresses spirit, soul and ego differences, healing and transcendence of traumas, transformations of shadows, true selves vs false selves, and pitfalls common to modern societies. Trails blazed by this book can be of immense assistance to those wishing to heal, recover, change, or grow towards noble spiritedness.
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The Games of the Ego
The Games of the Ego will improve your relationships with your partner, children, and yourself. It is for men and women of all ages who want to improve their communications skills and achieve their inner goals and desires. It also gives awareness to the many games of the ego which leads to a clearer perspective of human behaviour, thus preparing us for those unexpected twists of life.
I was just going through the motions of life, rarely experiencing laughter, love, or joy. At age 42, I hit the wall of exhaustion and finally paid attention to my inner voice that was continually calling to me. I then read every inspirational book I could find, started walking, and attended self-help retreats. During this time, I experienced an awakening that led me to the many lessons I needed to learn. I now have found freedom, and a life full of love, peace, and joy.
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The Human Whisperer
Our world, like us, is constantly changing and evolving which is a good thing. Although, I feel that as our world gets more complicated with the use of all this artificial intelligence or smartphones, computers and other devices, we may lose who we really are. I am all for looking ahead and not looking back, however, there are certainly good notions to looking back which will help us settle better in the present. That is through remembering who we are, where we came from and having that good old-fashioned common sense that we seem to have lost along the way. This book is going to remind you that there is so much more to us than you think. Science is discovering new things about us all the time; how we think, interact and how we make sense of our world. The ancient civilisations knew this thousands of years ago and were already aware of a lot of the things that science is now unearthing. We are part of, and also connected to the world around us, both physically and mentally and the thoughts and decisions we make have a direct influence not only on us but also on the planet we call home. What I would like to do with this book is bring some of this ancient knowledge back into the foreground and with the help of some ideas from science, show you that if we work along with nature, we truly are capable of anything.
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The Labyrinth: Rewiring the Nodes in the Maze of Your Mind (Rewired Edition)
For thousands of years, the labyrinth has been a symbol for wholeness, which can only be experienced when we live from our centre. As we develop in this world, society’s limiting beliefs hijack our perception, cocooning themselves around our essence; thus, we lose touch with our timeless self.
Fear-based beliefs compartmentalise our energy. They convince us that we’re an isolated fragment instead of one with collective consciousness—if you ever feel this way, then this book is for you!
The integration of fear-based emotions leads you back to your wholeness of being, which never left you. In this book, you’ll learn how to reconnect to your inner self and create the life you truly desire.
Only our beliefs separate us—whether religious, political, along with others—individually and collectively, Humanity must dissolve these limiting mindsets so we can live peacefully to embrace all life, on Gaia and beyond!
So, take my hand as I guide you through the maze of your old self, back to your inner self, where the illusions of the past have no more power over you.
Get ready to embrace your innate perfection.
£10.99 -
The Mastery of Life
This book analyses and provides insights into eight key parts of a meaningful life, which when mastered, will make big difference in your life. Due to the complexity of our biological make up, it’s almost impossible to cover all relevant topics without losing focus on what’s important. The aim is to give you a starting point so that you can ask yourself questions about who you really are and what you need to do to be the best you can be. Normally, that is only possible by understanding basic holistic principles of your being, such as interaction of your mind, body and consciousness for the creation of the perfection that you are. The main reason is that everything comes from within and everything you will ever need resides right within you and nowhere else. This means that if you want something, look no further than yourself. Because whatever you desire, you already have it within you and when you become consciously aware of it, the universe has no other choice but to abide by your desire.
This book provides you with the starting point of your journey into self-awareness. Here is the brief summary of the topics covered: understanding your thoughts and dreams; the complex relationship of your thoughts and emotions; causes of stress; living in now; the power of self-belief; effective communication; relationships and understanding your body.
Naturally, it will take many books and volumes to truly depict principles behind the mastery of life, but every journey starts with one small step and maybe this book represents that step; the step that will ultimately lead you to master your own life.
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The Menopause – A Passing Visit
There is something that all women go through at some point. It is inevitable and spares no one. And the process is overwhelming. Yet, it is hardly talked about, even among closest friends. The result is that every woman has to find things out on her own and then realise that every woman she knew has been going through the same thing.
The Menopause - A Passing Visit recounts what happens when a woman reaches the end of her reproductive years.
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The Rainbow Portal of Beliefs
Dear Reader, how do you feel about your life? Is it fulfilling and meaningful? Or do you feel that something is missing? During my life journey, I realised that each of us has a mission or a call, which we often tend to be more or less conscious about. And when we succeed in finding it, we become highly motivated to realise it as it provides us with our deepest longings. The call goes far beyond what you can experience through your normal senses and beyond what natural science can explain. Essential human topics like faith, hope and love belong to different concepts, which cannot be proved but only experienced. Furthermore, you will discover that if you identify your call and live it out accordingly, you will experience the most fulfilling and meaningful life. Even better, you become the best version of yourself. As a bonus, you will have an apparent reference whenever you need to make choices that have a far-reaching impact on your life. This book provides you with different perspectives and tools that can encourage you to become the driver in your life. As an aspiration, we follow the complete lifecycle of a person named Senius, who realised during his journey of why be satisfied with less, and learn about all his considerations to find and realise his call. The symbols below illustrate Senius’ call. May you find inspiration to develop your potential for an enriching life that will make you shine like a lighthouse and as an exemplary citizen of the global community. With these wishes, I send you my regards in the name of love and wisdom, Søren Krause.
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The Way We Are
The Way We Are is an account of a life passed in England, Saudi Arabia, and 50+ years in post-war Japan.
How a search for peace of mind became an attempt at self-realization – “satori” or enlightenment, and an acceptance of why we cannot be other than we are – involving (for no clear reason) an induction into a local secret society, learning to deal with voices in the head and telepathy, hypnotism and “Ki” (being manipulated by another person’s will), prescience, visual and other apparitions, 'ghosts', 'poltergeists' etc. All personally experienced without the influence of any stimulants.
This book deals with questioning the limitations of ‘self’ as sufficient identity in this truly modern world, a world where every single one of us is now almost certainly, at some stage, going to be obliged to recognize themselves as that very much rejected and unwanted ‘other’. It also explores moving the mind away from conflict as a solution and examining the fine line between political, commercial, philosophical/religious guidance and control.
£14.99 -
There is a Light
It was no wonder that I became rebellious and resentful. Standing up to all these pressures in my life and faced with my grandmother’s mortality, I reverted to the frightened child I thought I had left behind. I was overcome with anxiety and panic attacks; that paralysed me to the point of contemplating suicide.
The years of abandonment and feelings of futility following my childhood institutionalisation and the early death of my mother from a lifelong illness, manifested themselves in highly emotional and physical ways that made it impossible for me to function in society – so I withdrew.
From within this debilitating experience, I had to find a way through by obtaining the professional help I needed. This is my story of tenacity to live my life with the freedom to make my own decisions.
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Things Only Get Worse to Get Better
Things only get worse to get better – because they do. This book delves into the reality of the effects of mental health and the feelings aroused by the various, individual conditions. Unsettling, uncomfortable, unspoken – yet, everyday life for many. An all-round taboo topic that affects hundreds of thousands daily. Despite the short- and long-term effects of mental health, it doesn’t have to be an experience of permanence.
Therefore, this book explores self-help references to show that a positive outcome is always possible. Depression, anxiety and anger can lead to contentment, confidence and control. Bringing this topic to light is a step away from silent suffering and one towards a solution for any and all.