A Brief History of God
Underlying the writing of this book is the great gap left in our society by the slow and lingering death of God the Father Almighty. What shall we do now that we are orphans in this world? What can we do with all those wonderful Gothic buildings, now that the spirit has gone out of them? The full magnitude of the change stupefies the mind. Yet there is also an enormous liberation, for a patriarchal culture is so unnatural that it does real structural damage to the psyches of those who grow up in it. That fathers should, right into the twentieth century, own their children and mothers have no rights to them, was the legacy of the One God. That women could not keep their own money—their husbands owned it and have done so throughout our history—came from the same place. We are a crippled culture, facing now our own extinction, and only beginning to find our potential to deal with it.And though God is indeed dead, as Nietzsche told us a little while ago, the mystery that things exist—that anything exists at all, let alone this world with all its beauty and its depths—surrounds us with greater force than the presence of that God permitted; and it is Einstein, the scientist, who points us towards it:“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead—his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms—this knowledge, this feeling is at the centre of true religiousness.”– Albert Einstein, Living Philosophies
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What Do You Think?
Asif Ali's second book What Do You Think? takes a broad, philosophical look at life and all its possible meanings and reflections. It consists of over 150 brief essays on a large variety of topics, written over a span of more than 25 years.
This book aims and aspires to speak for all voices.£10.99 -
Incisive views and comments on news of the day, couched in humour and unfailing compassion.
Rt Hon Baroness D’Souza CMG The Lord Speaker (2011-2016)
Lord (Indarjit) Singh’s talks on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Thought for the Day’ have inspired many including Royalty, Prime Ministers, Christian, Muslim and Jewish leaders.
One of Indarjit’s talks in 1999 provided the impetus in setting up the Lambeth Group to celebrate the Millennium by setting up a Faith Zone at the Millennium Dome and to Indarjit hosting a National Service of Reflection and Reconciliation in the Queen’s Gallery of the House of Lords. Tony Blair, the then Prime Minister described it as the most moving celebration of the Millennium he had witnessed.
Rt. Hon. Clare Short MP
Secretary of State for International Development
Speaking on BBC Radio 4 Today Programme on December 2004, on who she would like to nominate in the Programme’s competition ‘Listener’s Lord’, the person listeners would most like to see in the House of Lords.
I would like to nominate Indarjit Singh. He contributes regularly on Radio 4’s ‘Thought for the Day’, and he gives impressive homilies drawing on the wisdom of Sikh teachings to help us think through the moral issues of the day.
Lord Singh came a close second to celebrated musician and human rights activist Bob Geldolf.
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Political Thought
Resting on a set of Great Concepts that have emerged from the Great Conversation, the development of political thought has literally determined the course of history and affected every dimension of human existence. The limitations of our modern languages complicate any perception and understanding of these Great Concepts, which emerged in languages of other societies with values much different from our own. Many of the words of modern political discourse—rights, democracy, justice, law, freedom—did not exist in ancient cultures that had no conceptions of their meanings. Other words—government, rule, obligation, obedience, and others—carried meanings for the Great Thinkers that modern thinkers would not recognize. While this inconsistency permeates all historical thinking, it is particularly true of political thought. Nationality, citizenship, nationalism, and patriotism are new words devised by modern Great Thinkers to describe new notions. Nation, people, country, community are old words, whose meanings have become unstable and therefore explosive.
William H. Mott IV’s in-depth analysis in Political Thought spans hundreds of years of political philosophy and belies a deep interest and knowledge of politics.
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Our Secret - O Nosso Segredo
What mystery is capable of transforming the past, the present and the future of humanity?
In the midst of so many questions about God, our reason for existence, and the meaning of everything around us, this work answers the greatest mystery in the history of mankind. Through a vision—both innovative and revolutionary—and a thorough analysis of the two branches that throughout history have defined our lives directly or indirectly, this book seeks to go beyond the realisation that religion and science have diverged over the years.
The work that the reader has in hand is not meant to be a superfluous conspiracy theory, a simple philosophical thought or a utopian idealisation. It aims instead to be a milestone for the thinking of the new man, and is based on logical, sensible, factual and concrete arguments, from which the mystery is unveiled: the mystery to which neither science nor religions have succeeded by giving a full and unanimous response, until today. This book is intended to redefine our beliefs and convictions, find points of convergence between both branches—and thus chart a new path for the discovery of the essence behind God, our mission as human beings, and the existence of everything present in the universe.
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Not All Quiet Before the Storm: A Political Study of the West
Not All Quiet Before the Storm: A Political Study of the West offers a comprehensive political and philosophical critique concerning the increasing popularity of socialism among liberal intellectuals, leftist generations of the young, and even Christian democrats. The author presents a series of extensive analyses on ideological, cultural, and generational wars, moral and identity issues, and the challenges facing the Western world in the twenty-first century.
The reader is to receive a severe but frank stricture upon liberal democracy, a condemnation of the globalizing elite and the Western world’s current political climate and culture.
The tone of the work is “politically incorrect,” describing the decline and socialist transformation of the West. The Left has changed the entire political and cultural landscape of the Western world. The breakdown of civil society was caused by individual rights not being paired with personal responsibility, and the growing culture of entitlements has convinced the people that failure is not their fault but results from the political-economic system’s transgressions. Westerners have abandoned the ethical basis for society, believing that all problems are solvable by “good government.”
The book offers recommendations on solving the readily apparent impasse. It outlines an alternative system termed the “New West”.£23.99 -
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
By 2022 an increasing number of Britons were asking themselves “what has gone wrong?”Great Britain – a nation with an imperial history, a nation of profound innovators, a nation steeped in tradition and pride. The more complex the picture, the more difficult it is to see clearly exactly what the problems are. Solutions are rarely blindingly obvious and yet the seeds of the problems may well be staring us in the eye. Either in the conference room, at the dinner table, or in the mirror.Here we accompany a typical British family from 1955 to 2022. Their dialogues reveal historical parallels and interesting insights into perceived “Britishness” over this period. Their lives and their beliefs, their travels and experiences, their attitudes, and expectations, expose them for what they are: an average family of the time. For they, and others like them, were weaving the thread into the British flag. The respective comments take us down the path leading to the social and political situation of 2022.The mirror held before us shows that what Abraham Lincoln once said remains true today: “you’ve got to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.”Every single person has the possibility to change what they see in their own mirror, and in society’s mirror. All that is necessary is to acknowledge that needs must.
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Mental Fight
In this factual and compelling philosophical memoir, the author takes you on a journey from their birth in the West Indies to their quest for answers to life’s paradoxes. Despite overcoming the challenges of prison, homelessness, and mental illness, they find redemption through education and philosophical discovery. This unsentimental account recounts the author’s path towards enlightenment and the solutions they have found to life’s biggest questions.
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Life on the Other Side of My Neighbourhood
Often, we traverse through life in a bubble, oblivious to the realities unfolding just across the neighbourhood. It’s not deliberate, but a common human tendency. Yet, when a sliver of life ‘on the other side’ catches our eye, it prompts a riveting realization: do we indeed inhabit the same world?
This newfound perspective might send shivers down your spine as you grapple with the stark contrasts of life, especially in the landscape of Southern Africa. Here, countless souls are relegated to the status of ‘desperadoes,’ their lives shackled by the chains of poverty, a situation exacerbated by the haunting shadows of colonization.
How I yearn for our leaders to don disguises, to walk a mile in the shoes of those on the other side of the neighbourhood. Such an experience could unveil the crushing repercussions of lacklustre governance on the future generations of Southern Africa. Perhaps then, they might reconsider their leadership ethos, valuing citizens as beings of emotion and aspiration, not merely as ballot ticks.
Through the lens of an ordinary South African immigrant, this narrative unfolds a tapestry of daily challenges, endeavouring to offer you a deeper understanding. As you traverse through her journey, may it spark a transformation within, urging you to look beyond the familiar, and delve into the unseen narratives that share our world yet remain veiled in the mists of unawareness.
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Have Not Charity - Volume 1: Sins and Volume 2: Virtues
Have Not Charity is a fascinating and profound investigation into deep and important concepts which have become obscure in modern times: sin and virtue. Alexandr Korol examines what motivates people in their actions, how goals and behaviours align, and how these are all affected both for good and ill both by virtue and by sin. He seeks to show that many ‘good’ deeds are in fact motivated by sin.
This is a true modern work of ethics, in the classical sense, a guide for a better life. If you have ever hoped to gain a clearer and fuller understanding of how society and life work, this book will prove invaluable.
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Enlightened Living: A Book of Being
Have you ever wondered about how best to live your life? Religions claim to have answers, but they are couched in faith and constrained by rituals that make each religion different from the next. The inevitable result has been conflict and war. Enlightened Living is neither religious nor spiritual, offering instead a rational and practical path that is available to everyone. Enlightenment isn’t found by austerity or following rituals but by the sustained practice of observing attachments and letting them go.
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Café de Flore
Addressing the escalating global issue of mental health and suicide, Café de Flore is a serious book that provides inspiration and relief to those caught in the net of despair. Identifying the critical error made by mankind over the centuries. Café de Flore points towards an escape from the madness of the human condition.
An easily digestible form of philosophy, written with graceful authority, the book takes the reader on a journey that captures the sublime messages contained in the wreck of literature, poetry and prose.
Dostoevsky once said: “It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently.” What more does it take?
Encouraging the world to stop thinking, to entertain a degree of madness, to live with passion and to laugh more. This book provides a fresh perspective on the perceived struggles and difficulties we find ourselves trapped in, in this sad and lonely world.