The Age of Aquarius: The Golden Age of Mankind
Part religious study and part scientific study The Age of Aquarius: The Golden Age of Mankind is a fascinating insight into religion, science and the stars. Split into chapters, providing tips on how to meditate, information on astrological symbolism, the Seven Seals and the planets, there is sure to be something to interest everyone in this book. There are chapters on each of the individual planets, and the book also contains diagrams and illustrations throughout, which will fascinate readers.
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Religion for Scientists
Following Fritjof Capra’s arguments in The Tao of Physics, this book seeks to draw a connection between Western mysticism and theoretical physics, specifically between string theory and the Hebrew esoteric tradition of Qabala, arguing that the structure of space-time is defined by the Qabalistic Tree of Life.Modern theories developed to combine the incompatible theories of relativity and quantum mechanics nearly always postulate that the Universe is defined in more dimensions than we are aware of – 10 in the super-symmetrical string theories, and 11 in M-theory and 11D supergravity. This implies that, in addition to the four dimensions from special relativity, there exist six more compactified onto a 6D complex geometry.
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Mysterious Ways: The Life That He Lived
When we read the stories about Jesus in the Bible, we hear about what Jesus did to help the people he met. He befriended them, he taught them, he healed them and he saved them from embarrassment. They are wonderful stories but what about the people themselves? Where were they coming from? What did they do with the rest of their lives? For example, what happened to the woman caught in adultery who, in the biblical account, we leave sitting alone with no money, no home, no family and no friends. Did Jesus really leave her in this position, which would have been a sort of living death?Looking at what Jesus did from the perspective of the people he met gives a different idea of what it was like to meet him. It showed more clearly his love and care for those he met and the way in which he shared the poverty of the people he met. More often than not, it was a life-changing experience.The stories are mostly told in the first-person so that the characters can say what they really felt. The stories have been used in the author’s own church for bible study and as dramatic readings. They have been used in schools and colleges as study material. They have also been used just as good reading material.
£10.99 -
Keys to Keeping Eternity in Mind, the Most Important Decision in Life - Make a Choice: Heaven or Hell
Many are concerned with the uncertainty of life after death, eternity, heaven and hell. Hence, this book is timely and crucial for all in order to provide clear understanding from Biblical standpoints and to gain in-depth comprehension of what the Bible says on these subjects.Jesus' illustration of the Kingdom of God in Luke 16:19-31 is to give us an insight into eternity and to reveal to us that our present existence on earth is an opportunity to help us prepare for our eternity location. It is on earth that our choice of eternity placement will be made, and we have been given the opportunity to make decisions on our eternity placement"”Heaven or Hell, where there will be no more change.Once we enter eternity, we have entered a reality of no change and no going back. It is a place of permanence. So, the years of our existence on earth give a great opportunity for us to prepare for our eternity location, and for us to make informed decisions on our eternity placement"”Heaven or Hell.What about the works that you do? Do they promote God's Kingdom, or do they promote self or the devil? It is very important that you ponder on your lifestyle, choices and decisions, and start living right from today. You do not want to miss such a great opportunity made available to you"”Heaven.
£6.99 -
Humans Evolved, People Were Made
If you believe in God but recoil from the way some people think that science has the answer to everything, and that the theory of Natural Selection can account for people without the need for God, you will find this book informative and inspiring. While reading it you will learn about the relationship between science and theology. You will be informed about the development of evolutionary science, from Lamarck to the present. You will understand the limitations of science and that Natural Selection is thought to be less important now. You will become aware of the difference between humans and people. How it was that people’s fear of each other led to sedentism and agriculture ten thousand years ago. You will learn more about the work of Charles Darwin, including his genetic theory, Pangenesis, and the writing on evolution by his contemporaries, Wallace and Chambers.You will see how the words of the Bible can be aligned with the material record of archaeology and how the timeline of development of people is different from that of animals.You will be interested in the proposal that God made people by an upgrade of the human, which must have happened just before the migration out of Africa, about 65,000 year ago. Only God could have given the ancient humans a soul, language and the intellect and immortality which go with them. This changed them into the people we are now, to make one living creature that could talk to God.
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Enoch and the Giants
Enoch and the Giants by Victor Hill is a book that operates on several levels. For sure this will be of great interest to academics of the subject but Victor Hills’ books is also a read which acts as a modern parable, functioning on a simpler level with a message for us all.Enoch and the Giants is a modern day epic with commentary on heaven and earth of truly biblical proportions which will have as much appeal on a secular level as it will to disciples of the Bible.Translated directly from the original, the author is meticulous with his footnotes and referencing which act in tandem to provide commentary on and insight to the text. It is a revelation and almost a poetic story with a rhythm and meter all its own. A truly epic read.
£13.99 -
قصص الخلافة الإسلامية والخلفاء - Stories of the Islamic Caliphate and the Caliphs
يتبينَّ للباحث المهتمِّ بالتاريخ الإسلامي أنَّ الفترة التي عاشها نبيُّ الهدى محمَّد غيَّرَتِ الحياة الإنسانية بشكل فريد؛ فمنذ بَعثته تغيَّرَتِ النُّظُم الحياتية للبشرية في جميع أوجهها، الاجتماعية – بشكل شامل وعميق – والاقتصادية، والحربية، والسياسية على وجه العموم، ونظام الحكم على وجه الخصوص.
كان عصر البعثة النبوية نموذجياً، ذلك أنَّه كان يُسَيَّر بالوحي الإلهي، أُرسِيَت فيه القواعد الراسخة لهذا الدين الحقِّ، وأطاع كلُّ مَن دخل الإسلام الرسول فيما قال أو فعل بِناءً عن اعتقاد وإيمان، إنَّما قول النبي وفِعله كان عن وحي يوحَى إليه مِن الله عزَّ وجلَّ.
أنبأ الرسول الكريم المسلمين، وأمرهم بأن يتَّبعوا مَن يأتي بعده مِن خلفائه، وهو الذي سمَّاهم "الخلفاء الراشدين المهديِّين".
جاء هذ الكتاب لا ليخدم غرضاً سياسياً على الإطلاق، ولكن ليخدم غرضاً إنسانياً اجتماعياً بحتاً، ويهدف لخدمة الإنسان المسلم المعاصِر على صورة مجموعة متسلسلة مِن القصص نتعلَّم منها، بعضها مأساوي مُحزِن، وبعضها مشوِّقٌ مثير، تتعلَّق وتدور حول نقطة وحيدة في التاريخ الإسلامي، وهي "الخلافة الإسلامية"، كيف انتقلَت مِن عصر إلى عصر؟ وكيف تحوَّلَت مِن خلافة بِشورى وبيعة لمُلك عضوض يُوَرَّث توريثاً؟ وكيف انتهَت تماماً كنظام حكم لعموم المسلمين؟ وقد أصبح لزاماً عليهم أن يفكِّروا في نظام اجتماعي بديل منبثق مِن نظام الخلافة الراشدة، ليس بالضرورة أن يكون مطابقاً له، ولكن حتماً يكون متمشِّياً مع الكتاب الحكيم والسُّنَّة المطهَّرة، وأبعد ما يكون عن اتِّباع الهوى.
£17.99 -
Word Up
Word Up displays the realities in life, depicting the signs of the times through headline events as well as what happens in the home, on the job, or in social gatherings. Life can be a struggle. There are pros and cons in the ways that we deal with what is happening around us and, most importantly, what happens inside of us. Consider the following questions:
- Are we appropriately handling the challenges that can adversely impact our lives?
- How can we ensure that we are leaning and depending on something that is greater than ourselves - our connection with God?
- How can we build our relationship with God to ensure that we are on the right track and have ceased playing guessing games with important areas of our life?
Word Up forces you to think with clarity and then gives you an opportunity to do something about your reaction to the bare facts. Word Up helps you to face head-on to the reality of a situation; it does not allow you to be timid, gloss over it, or just do nothing. Rather, Word Up gives you a choice: do nothing and watch things get worse or do something and bring about the change you want and deserve.
Learn how to deal with situations rather than just quoting the Bible as though knowing and doing are the same. Real change in your life requires faith, and faith without action is null and void. Word Up requires action.
If you really want transformative change in your life, read a topic that describes your situation. Begin to identify the deep change that is irreversible in nature, a change that you have only hoped for, but have not achieved. There is healing in Word Up as you read the Word of God that is so deeply embedded in real change. Allow God to work with you as you read this life changing analogy.
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This book is an attempt to bring comfort to anyone who may feel lonely, abandoned, or simply living on the margins of life. People who may be suffering from a feeling of having been forgotten by society and even by God. I have written it in the form of a series of reflections that engage with such feelings and try to offer a healing response. The book began life as a series I wrote, and still write, for residents of local care homes, where people have been locked down and felt locked away from those they love and who love them.
More broadly this book also deals with issues that anyone may be forced to confront in their daily lives and links them to key moments in the Bible where we need to get support from each other and to experience the loving wisdom and commitment of God to every one of us. Each reflection focuses on a single issue and is composed of a Biblical passage (usually), a personal reflection, and finally a brief prayer of encouragement.
I have avoided complex Biblical analysis and obscure theology. Each chapter is complete in itself, so this is a book that can be dipped into as well as read in sequence. My hope is that what I have written may in some small way be of help and sustenance to people who need to know deep down that, whatever life may throw at them, they are always Unforgotten by the God who created and loves them. Because, as Isaiah reassures us, God ‘has written your name on the palm of his hands, from all eternity.’
£7.99 -
Understanding the Psalms
This is a comprehensive and straighforward look at the Psalms. They are often used in worship, sometimes leaving the worshippers wondering who the psalmists’ many enemies are and how the cries for vengeance and violence can be understood by a Christian. The highs and lows of human life all find their way into the Psalms. Fear of enemies, difficulties in praying, support in sickness, the fear of death, the problems of politicians and rulers, the joy of family life, the satisfaction of a job well done, the dependability of God when all human help fails—all are there.
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Trinity: Truth Or Myth?
This book is controversial in character because the author questions the most fundamental of all Christian teachings: whether any of the established churches are worshipping the true God of the Bible? This book should be read by every professing Christian and by those former Christians who have given up their belief in God. The book is a refreshingly new look at an old subject, the doctrine of the Trinity.
The book is ambitious to say the least; being intricate in detail, covering a very wide range of evidence, and yet is engaging and easy to understand. This is because the well-researched and wide-ranging scope of evidence is set out under logical headings which makes it easier for the reader to follow and understand the arguments put forward. Whether you accept the author’s conclusions or not, the book is thought provoking to the extent that you will have no choice but to reevaluate your own understanding of who is the true God.
£11.99 -
Thy Will Be Done
The book Thy Will Be Done presents a bible-based exposition on the will of God for every human life, marriage, family, business, career, government and the church. The book lays emphasis on the government of God on earth and the superiority of God’s will over human will, and the need for every man on earth to find and submit to the will of God.