Alice Weil featured by The Moving Words Website for her Pinnacle Award

Alice Weil featured by The Moving Words Website for her Pinnacle Award

Alice Weil gets featured for her book, Survival: A Story of Friendship - Part 2, a sequel to Survival a Story of Friendship. The Moving Words website featured Weil in an article, where she talked about her inspiration for writing the historical novel and winning the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award for "Best Book in the Category of History”. She has won previous awards in other categories for other novels, including Best Category for Environment and Best Book in the Category of Memoir.

Survival: A Story of Friendship - Part 2  is about Freddy and Helene set against the backdrop of World War II and Nazi Germany. The book follows the protagonist and his incredible journey from little education to starting his own company.

Alice Weil grew up in Columbia and went to a French and German school. She spent time in India studying spirituality. She has three children and seven grandchildren and enjoys travelling all over the world. She is fluent in four languages, and this is her fourth novel.