Amazon reviews of ‘The Resurrection’ by Mike O’Neill

Amazon reviews of ‘The Resurrection’ by Mike O’Neill

Amazon puts reviews on this fascinating mystery thriller of ‘Mike O’Neill’. The reviews highlight's the main plot of the book and comprehends its true resolution of this very interesting and exciting book.

The book comprises of the bizarre chain of events when a world-famous and Nobel-laureate, Sir Francis Macleod suddenly breakdowns after he makes an announcement for an astonishing revelation about DNA.

The next plot is a conflict of both science and religion due to strange events happening all around which leads to an international murder investigation.

The books expose the inside workings of the Catholic Church, corruption, and mishandlings in the health sector and answer some very profound questions about life which man is always trying to find.

The book is a collection of thrilling medical science events which has a well-thought plot and keeps its audience engaged till its last page.

Mike O'Neill is a big name in the world of health sciences. He has an educational background in Engineering and Science. 

Mike remained in very prestigious positions during his lifetime. He is a former Vice-President of a Fortune 500 company and has great contribution in the fields of DNA and protein research.

He remained on the Dean’s advisory and Business advisory at the College of Medicine at University of California and Susan Samueli Institute of Medicine respectively.

He also remained a member of American College of Corporate Directors and Innovation Society at Oxford University.

Mike resides in England and Florida and has precious two book publications.

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