Antonion Borges on The Zach Feldman Show

Antonion Borges on The Zach Feldman Show

Antonion Borges, the author of Annihilation of a Planet III, appeared for an interview at the Zach Feldman Show. The program’s discussion revolved around the book series Annihilation of a Planet. The genesis, and inspiration behind the book series were also discussed apart from a conversation on climate change. You can listen to the program here.

Annihilation of a Planet III is a sci-fi adventure that follows the lives of a scientist, his son, and an android who saved the world twice. They face challenges such as a super-volcano, a secret alien disk, and a quest for true love across the galaxy. You can get the book here.

Antonion Borges is a Harvard-trained ophthalmologist and pathologist who also studied radio and television broadcasting. He has a great interest in research. He has also written books for children.