Arturo Pérez-Reverte Admires Jack Thompson’s ‘Spain, Guard my Bones’

Arturo Pérez-Reverte Admires Jack Thompson’s ‘Spain, Guard my Bones’

The Spanish novel writer, Arturo Pérez-Reverte appreciates Jack Thompson’s gesture of gifting him his book, ‘Spain, Guard my Bones’. Arturo finds the book very fascinating and conveyed his feelings to Jack that after reading the book, he has secured it in his personal collection where it deserves to be.

This is a book about the discoveries and consequences of the Civil War in Spain when a journalist named Charlie Barrow visits Spain for vacations. After his arrival in Castillo, he comes to know that a mass grave of Civil War victims has been discovered. Intrigued by his gut, he opts to work on this scandal and tries to find the answers with the help of an intelligent lawyer, Carlito, and a beautiful archeologist, Elena.

Barrow takes no time in developing an enmity with a powerful political party and Ortiz, who is a lawyer doing wrong. Travelling in the pursuit of facts, Barrow dodges bullets, Arab bodyguards and other untrustworthy officials. Barrow narrowly escapes death and faces many triumphs in the shape of loss of friends, love, and hopes.

The author, Jack Thompson was born in Northern England. He has worked in many fields including, teaching, bus conducting, industrial spying and as a pianist. He joined BBC in 1967 and became a correspondent for the World Service. He worked across many continents and is now a full-time writer and resides in London with his wife.