The Author Brian Sims Was Interviewed on Missed Apex Podcast by Spanners Trumpets

The Author Brian Sims Was Interviewed on Missed Apex Podcast by Spanners Trumpets

The talented author Brian Sims was interviewed on Missed Apex Podcast on 21st August 2019. In conversation, Brian talked about his life journey, his contributions to other sectors and his book You Don’t Have to Be a Champion... to Be a Winner!. Hoping to inspire people to dream and turn those dreams into a reality, Brian shared his inspirational story. His book is a brilliant and motivational read for everyone, especially the people aspiring to have a career in sales and marketing.

You Don’t Have to Be a Champion... to Be a Winner! is an influential and uplifting read. It is all about Brian and his struggles to climb up the ladder of success to get an entry in Formula 1. He started his career as a salesman at Xerox followed by a disastrous start at a racing competition, it was the first time Brian felt the spark in him. Since then, there was no looking back for him. Later he established his own Motor Industry Association. Find out more about Brian’s story in this powerful autobiography.

Brian Sims is one of the famous and biggest names in F1 racing world. He recently wrote his book and shared the details about his successful endeavours from being a salesman to serving on the top-notch positions of different companies. Currently, he lives in Shrewsbury with his wife.

To check out the Brian Sims' interview on Missed Apex Podcast by Spanners Trumpets, click here.