The Author Nicholas Goodin Received Appreciation at Mater Christi Catholic Primary School

The Author Nicholas Goodin Received Appreciation at Mater Christi Catholic Primary School

The Great Race of Kakadu was presented by author Nicholas Goodin during the morning assembly at Mater Christi Catholic Primary School. He graduated from there in 2017. Nicholas spent the entire day at his old primary school reading his book to all the younger children and had a great time. He received a lot of appreciation from school authorities and teachers.

The Great Race of Kakadu is an interesting children book about Eliot, an emu who enjoys all the Great Land and Air Races that are held at Kakadu National Park, but he can’t participate as he is a bird that can’t fly. Elliot protests for his right to race and a meeting is held to vote for the decision. This is a great book that speaks about inclusion of diversity.

Nicholas Goodin was born in Western Australia, in 2006. He lives with his parents and sister in Georgia. At the age of nine, Nicholas began writing after he was asked to write a short story in school. His hobbies include reading, drawing, playing the violin and soccer, programming robotic toys, and Taekwondo.