The Barossa Herald News Interviewed the Author Brian Stafford

The Barossa Herald News Interviewed the Author Brian Stafford

The author Brian Stafford’s interview was published in The Barossa Herald News on 24th July 2019. In his interview, Brian spoke about his book Who Is Mary Smith? which is a unique romance novel. He said that his book is not an ordinary romance novel. It has a whimsical story plot that makes it different. He shared that secret to a successful and good book is the revision. He added that ‘I have revised my novel about 20 times.’

The book Who Is Mary Smith? is a love story between Mary Smith and Benjamin Schultz. Both are from different backgrounds; Mary is an Irish descendant while Benjamin is German descendent. The biggest hurdle in their way is a fuming dispute which took place five generations ago. After disclosing their affection, both Mary and Benjamin receive strong opposition from their families. Would Mary and Benjamin get married? Would their families set aside the differences? Find it out in this amazing romance novel.

The author Brian Stafford hails from Western Australia. He was born during WWII. He was a soldier and started writing after retiring from Public Services. He is a keen observer and has an interest in personalities, history and nature photography.

Check out the Brian Stafford’s interview, click here.