BBC West Midland Interviewed the Author Andy Flute
The author Andy Flute who is a former boxer recently penned down his autobiography Jesus In My Corner appeared on the BBC West Midland interview on 9th August 2019. Andy shared his struggle with breaking the drinking habit, and in the process of recovery, he asked Jesus to help him quit alcohol. His prayer was granted and he immediately left drinking. “This was the turning point of my life that changed everything forever. I am now recovering and trying to get my life back together”, said Andy.
Jesus In My Corner is a heartbreaking story of Andy who lost everything because of alcohol addiction. It is hard to see a perfect life slipping away from your hand because of excessive drinking, the same happened with Andy. He writes how one after another beautiful relationship was lost because of his insane consumption of alcohol. It is hard for him to give up on drinking until one day when he prays to God to help him quit this evil habit. He finds Jesus helping him since the beginning and feels an immense strength to give up on drinking. From there he never looked back and his life changes forever. Find out the heart-wrenching yet inspirational story of Andy in his book.
The author Andy Flute is an ex-boxer and known for his gentle nature. After beating alcohol, now he gives motivational speeches to drug addicts. He has now become an accomplished speaker.