A Book of Rather Strange Animals by Caleb Compton Gets Featured on Twitter

A Book of Rather Strange Animals by Caleb Compton Gets Featured on Twitter

On Saturday 4th May, Caleb Compton’s interesting book, A Book of Rather Strange Animals gets featured on Twitter. In the post, Alex The Honking Bird (@AlexTheHonk) posted a photo of honking bird along with a copy of Caleb’s book by stating that “If you think I’m a bit of a strange animal, wait till you see the ones in this book, the book is fascinating and also tastes good.”

A Book of Rather Strange Animals incorporates pictures and illustrations of the amazing creatures and an incredible amount of information about each of the species it states. Caleb Compton is the author of the book and has an enormously popular social media account @StrangeAnimals on Twitter. The book is wonderfully compiled with amazing specimens like The Goblin Shark, The Star-Nosed Mole, Giraffe Weevil, The Leafy Seadragon, Common Gliding Lizard and The Marvellous Spatuletail.

Caleb Compton specialized in zoology in his final year. He is a graduate in Biosciences from the University of Exeter. His motivation for the book came after the success of his Twitter account that he created in 2013, showcasing inquisitive creatures. Caleb is a fan of Sir David Attenborough and has spent many evenings watching his documentaries with his family. A Book of Rather Strange Animals is a great triumph for Caleb.

To check out this feature by Alex The Honking Bird, click here.