Call Me Frank by Rebecca Watson Gets An Exciting Review By Glam Adelaide

Call Me Frank by Rebecca Watson Gets An Exciting Review By Glam Adelaide

Our amazing author, Rebecca Watson, gets a stunning review of her children’s book, Call Me Frank, by Glam Adelaide. The review, written by Karlie Naulty, was published on 28th May 2021. Karlie lauds the simple language of the book exclaiming that “Call Me Frank is a delightful story, with its messages delivered simply: embrace your unique self, don’t let the bullies get you down, just keep being you and let your imagination run wild! While quite basic, the illustrations make for a pleasant addition to the text.” You can read the detailed review here.


Call Me Frank is a book about a small boy named Francis Frank. He is a shy boy who feels lonely in his school. He doesn’t have any friends and sits alone at lunchtime. One night, before going to sleep, Frank wishes for a friend. In his dream that night, he meets his imaginary friend, Charles Charlie. This is a story of friendship, imagination and resilience.


Rebecca Watson was born and raised in South Australia. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of South Australia.