Christopher Bolsover Gets Featured in Derbyshire Times

Christopher Bolsover Gets Featured in Derbyshire Times

The author of the crime book, The Hellfire Club, got featured in Derbyshire Times in a story that covered the horrifying experience he went through at his home in South Africa. Two years back in an unfortunate incident, bullets were shot at Christopher multiple times but they luckily missed all his organs. The crime was due to a constant increase in poverty in the area.  After completely recovering from his injuries, Christopher completed writing his book, The Hellfire Club, in four days. The complete feature can be accessed here.

The book, The Hellfire Club, is the story of a former Army champion who was released on bail and took revenge from criminals who tapped him. Christopher said that one of the high points of the book is the hero being followed on the moors. It also covered people who roam around the moors to have a good time. To read more about this book, click here.

Christopher Bolsover is an ex-Derbyshire police officer who had carried out a large number of murder investigations during his career. He is planning to launch four books by 2022. He has two books which he has almost finished and a book for children which is similar to the writings of Enid Blyton. Christopher always wanted to become an accomplished writer with global recognition. He has a wife named Monica and two children.