Derek R. Payne interviewed on BBC Points West, about ‘Letter to Doberitz’

Derek R. Payne interviewed on BBC Points West, about ‘Letter to Doberitz’

Derek R. Payne, the author of the intriguing story ‘Letters to Doberitz’, was recently interviewed on BBC Points West. He talks about his work and he gave insight into what the readers will dive into while they read on.

A captivating story, based on true events of a family. The story has been dormant for many years. The book shows the impact of war, effects on families and how it varies from person to person. An extraordinary story that needs to be told. A lie made to a loved one, along with letters written to deceive. All this and much more to keep someone protected.

Derek Payne is a first time writer, a semi-retired entrepreneur, and investor. He has been known to write poetry and his work has been seen and heard on television and radio broadcasts. Letters to Doberitz is the first novel Derek has written. 

Watch the full Interview click here