The Eclectiophile featured a review about ‘Beauty Redefined’ by Sheline Shenoy

The Eclectiophile featured a review about ‘Beauty Redefined’ by Sheline Shenoy

A review was featured recently about Sheline Shenoy’s latest book ‘Beauty Redefined’. The review quotes the author as ‘My objective in writing this book was to give you the right perspective and tools to enable you to derive a sense of worthiness from qualities and deeds beyond the superficial’.

The book is based on the complexities of beauty standards for women, expectations and the ideals that have changed throughout the ages. It discusses the insecurities that the women have regarding their physique and how they try so hard to fit the barometer of a beautiful woman set by the society.

They keep asking themselves that are they good enough and will the society accept them for whomever they are and whatever they look.

The book describes the beauty standards from the perspective of cultural, biological and historical background and what can be done to redefine what it means to be a beautiful woman.

The book tells the women that it is your voice that matters and you will feel empowered to make your own mark in this world without caring for your size, shape or ethnic background.

You will learn to love yourself.

The author Seline Shenoy is a podcast host and life coach on the topics of Self- esteem and productivity. She is also running a blog- community which inspires people to pursue their dreams.

She is also a regular contributor to Forbes, MindBodyGreen, Elite Daily, Project Happiness and Global Love Project etc.

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