Emily Scialom’s Interview was Aired on YouTube Channel That’s Cambridge

Emily Scialom’s Interview was Aired on YouTube Channel That’s Cambridge

The YouTube channel That’s Cambridge published the interview of Emily Scialom, the author of The Rivers. In this candid interview, the author shared about her journey of becoming a writer, her inspirations and her goals. The author initially started her career as a poet, after getting appreciation from her peers and acquaintances, she decided to pen down her books.

The Rivers is a romantic emotional drama revolving around Elizabeth Dalston and John Cross. Both find deep feelings for each other and end up getting married. But life has planned something else for them, soon after their marriage, the bedlam of 21st-Century Britain breaks out. Amid all the emotional havoc they explore the depth of their love and bonding in the wildest form. Get yourself a copy of this book to experience the beautiful yet poignant driven journey of love.

The author Emily Scialom hails from Hackney, London. She was born on 27th July 1984. She has a BA degree in Communication, Media and Popular Music. She has written for Magazines such as Standard Issue and Cambridge News. She is currently living in Cambridge.

To check out her complete interview by That’s Cambridge, click here.