Evening Express Featured the Author George Scott

Evening Express Featured the Author George Scott

The author George Scott who wrote The Aberdeen Volunteers Fighting in the Spanish Civil War shared the details of Aberdeen volunteers with Evening Express Newspaper. The article was published on 18th August 2019 in which George said that how the idea of writing a book about the Aberdeen Volunteers hit him and he was moved to make it a reality. The former secretary of the Aberdeen Trades Union Council shared that ‘I did some work for the council back in the day for the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. I was amazed to receive the post about my book publishing through Austin Macauley Publishers’.

A unique historical book The Aberdeen Volunteers Fighting in the Spanish Civil War is about volunteers from Aberdeen who went on a mission to fight against fascism in Spain. 19 men managed to arrive in Spain while 5 were killed in action. The book without hesitation highlights some of the volunteers from Aberdeen with photographs, memorials to those who lost their lives in conflict and never-before-seen photographs of tribute to Bob Cooney.

 The former secretary of the Aberdeen Trades Union Council, George Scott, recently wrote his book. He was born in Aberdeen and now lives there with his family.

To check out this wonderful feature by Evening Express, click here.