The Final Fence: Sophomores In the Saddle by Marc O'Brien Got Featured on the Website Blog LovinThe Final Fence: Sophomores In the Saddle by Marc O'Brien Got Featured on the Website Blog Lovin

The Final Fence: Sophomores In the Saddle by Marc O'Brien Got Featured on the Website Blog LovinThe Final Fence: Sophomores In the Saddle by Marc O'Brien Got Featured on the Website Blog Lovin

Blog Lovin featured the book of author Marc O’Brien named The Final Fence: Sophomores In The Saddle. The blog declared the book as one of the most brilliant and inspiring reads. It is highly recommended by the blog. The author also shared that, “Segilola Salami posted the interview that I wrote about my characters from "The Final Fence: Sophomores In The Saddle" Danielle Lynne Easton and Eddie Patrick”

The story of The Final Fence: Sophomores In The Saddle focuses on the sportsmen spirit in younger generation. The novel shares the story of a life filled with support by well-wishing people who speak wisely and empathically. The story starts to flow when Eddie Patrick and Danielle Lynne both join college together and discover their liking for horses. In a class discussion their professor advices them to polish the relationship making skills and respect each other. The novel inspires young people to learn about respect.

The author Marc O’Brien was studying communication Arts from Barry University in 188 where he realized that he has gained the set of skills that are very much needed in our daily life. He lives in Las Vegas. He has a distinctive approach to scripting fictional stories that urges readers to learn and interpret from it.