Fupping.com Featured the Debut Book of Cliff Comber Titled Running for His Lives

Fupping.com Featured the Debut Book of Cliff Comber Titled Running for His Lives

Fupping.com shared an article ‘17-Year-Old Boys Can Only Benefit From Reading These 12 Books’ featuring Running for His Lives by Cliff Comber on 1st June 2019. The debut book of author received amazing remarks for its off the trend story in the crime genre.

The story of the Running for His Lives is about a young lad Dennis whose father gets killed in an unfortunate action and his mother could not stand the news and commit suicide. Witnessing all this, Dennis gets traumatized and starts to believe that the nightmare of memories will never leave him. He faced constant bullying and humiliation from people. Soon he joins Army and there he meets the love of his life Melanie. He marries her and just when he thinks life has started to be kind, his wife gets brutally raped leaving him and his trust shattered. Would Dennis and Melanie be able to reboot their lives? Find out in the most astonishing yet heart-breaking novel.

The author Cliff Comber resides in Sussex with his family. He has worked as a Police Officer for 33 years.

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