G. V. Loewen’s Book The New Self-Reliance a Novel of Endurance Got Featured on the Nanaimo News Bulletin Website

G. V. Loewen’s Book The New Self-Reliance a Novel of Endurance Got Featured on the Nanaimo News Bulletin Website

The New Self-Reliance A Novel of Endurance by G. V. Loewen was featured on the website Nanaimo bulletin on 23rd May 2019. The author was interviewed for the 2nd instalment of his 10-part fantasy series ‘The Kristin-Seraphim Saga’. He said that he was overwhelmed by the compliment given to him by the author Guy Vanderhaeghe, a three-time winner of Governor General Award. He further said that the series aims to “invert the usual fantasy canon … where instead of fantasy referring to the means and the tools at the heroes’ disposal, fantasy refers to the metaphysics itself.”

The story of The New Self-Reliance A Novel of Endurance is an adventurous fictional and thriller which orbits around a couple, Kristen and Mike. Just when both think that their life is falling back on track an unforeseen series of events takes place. They encounter spirits, agents from another world and sudden unwanted addition in the family membership. Both decide to fight like a team against all odds. They seek their friends’ help and decide to send Tudor English to reboot the timeline in their favour. What is going to happen next? Would Kristen and Mike be successful in getting out of this situation? Find it out in this Amazing novel.

A well-renowned author G. V. Loewen has 20 books of various genres on his credit. He has also served as a professor in Canada and the USA.

To check out this feature on the Nanaimo News Bulletin Website, click here.