Gratia Park Zoo by Hayley Matthews Got Featured on Metro South Health Facebook Page

Gratia Park Zoo by Hayley Matthews Got Featured on Metro South Health Facebook Page

Gratia Park Zoo by Hayley Matthews was featured on Metro South Health Facebook page on 27th May 2019. Metro South Health was proud to be the part of the special moment of their nurse Hayley Matthews. They applauded her for the children’s book she wrote, which has beautiful pictures and rhymes in it. The author said, “I only had intentions of writing the stories to read to my son but as I continued to write, the dream of publishing these stories came alive”.

Gratia Park Zoo is an astonishing book for children. It has eye-catching illustrations, pictorial stories and beautiful rhymes for your kids. The book takes you to the imaginative world of five friends Echo, Shadow, Trixie, Flit and Chevy. Find out what these five friends have for you in this amazing book.

The author Hayley Matthews is a nurse by profession. She is the mother of one. She is from New Zealand but now resides in Australia with her husband.

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